An ardent desire to transmit his vision of music prompted orchestra conductor Daniel Myssyk to found l'Ensemble instrumental Appassionata in 2000. Composed of a core of 15 strings selected from among the most promising of the young generation of musicians, with winds and percussions occasionally added, the orchestra delivers high-standard artistic performances, bringing sound to classical and modern repertoires for the enjoyment of the newly initiated and established concert music fans alike. The ensemble has recorded a first CD on the Eclectra label, along with the Canadian Guitar Quartet.
Teaching has a great deal of importance for Daniel Myssyk. He has taught as a guest professor in music writing at the University of Montréal's Faculty of Music and conducted a number of tours in schools with les Jeunesses musicales du Canada and Artistes à l'école. He has imparted this desire to communicate by infusing Appassionata with a mission geared toward education: since its inception, the ensemble annually goes into the schools with such programs as " De la musique en toutes choses (Music in everything)", presented at Collège Marie-de-France, and " l'Histoire du soldat (A Soldier's Tale)" by Stravinsky, which, will begin in May 2005 and involve the participation of classes of young dancers and comedians.
In an effort to attract public interest and make the music more accessible to everyone, l'Ensemble instrumental Appassionata is extensively involved in the community. Through programs run in conjunction with the Plateau-Mont-Royal and Frontenac cultural centres, the orchestra has undertaken innovative activities to raise awareness and develop new listening audiences and has performed in non-traditional venues. In keeping with this initative, Daniel Myssyk conducted l'Orchestre symphonique de l'Isle from 2002-04 and le Chœur Vaudreuil-Soulanges in 2003.
Continually striving for excellence, Daniel Myssyk learned his craft from such masters as David Zinman, during several internships at the Aspen Music Festival and School, and at the Centre d'arts Orford. Selected from among 100 top-notch candidates, Mr. Myssyk is currently studying toward a Master's in orchestra conducting at the prestigious Rice University in Houston, under the tutelage of renowned conductor Larry Rachleff, for whom Mr. Myssyk will be an assistant, one of the most coveted postings in the United States. |